First, Orli is almost 6 months! WHERE has the time gone? oh my face. I swear I already see lines all over...but they are lines I have earned! (my mother would comment at this point and say not quite, so there's that) We have finally moved into a bigger apartment in far north Dallas (by bigger we mean from 500 sq ft to 700 sq ft) and with the (fake) hardwood floors, crawling is very soon happening! She is already army crawling all over the place and is starting to pull her legs and knees up and into her so she picks her whole body off the ground. She just has not gotten the hang of actually crawling yet, but that is ok....she is CLOSE!! She also has started eating real food! Grandpa David got us/her a Baby Bullet kit where we can make her baby food right at home, and for a new mom who is trying to eat healthier and have her family eat better, it is not bad at all! I LOVE it!!!
Nate is still at Mcdonalds, but hoping to be able to leave soon as the place I work at (napolis) may hire him on soon....hopefully! The owners are amazing and really nice and actually care about us as workers and people! It is a big change for someone like me who has worked for corporations all my working life to be working for owners instead. I really do enjoy it! And we want to have nate join us too! so hopefully soon we can all work together!
We have been able to spend lots of time with family this holiday season starting with Hanuka which started Thanksgiving and into the season. This is Orli's first Hanuka and Christmas so we are all super excited! I have no doubt she will be just like her mama and like to play with all the paper ;) speaking of which she tore her first book! I know its kind of an odd thing to cheer, but seeing as we have books (and dictionaries) we don't mind her playing with, I really don't care! It's more exciting to see her learn how to use her hands and arms more as she starts to move them enough to even tear a book page so I am proud! (and seeing as she is MY daughter, it didn't take her long) My parents can attest to my tearing books at her age, so I am kind of excited that she has enough motor skills to do so!!
Our little girly girl is growing up too fast! She is already wearing 12-18 month clothes and just keeps going!
We are so thrilled to watch her learn and grow and start to explore her world and develop her body and brain! Yay for growing up!
Well, until next time, have a happy holidays and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka and all the above!
Starting to sit up without much help!
...annndddd she tried her first bow! It didn't stay up long since she doesn't have much hair, but it is super cute
Playing with Savta! I love Savta's face :)
Mama and Orli
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